module parsers

function parse_json

    json_in: Union[IO[str], IO[bytes], str, bytes],
    encoding: str = 'utf-8',
    ignore_empty_fields: bool = True
) → Any

parse_json Parses the JSON string using a JSON 5 compliant decoder

Any empty JSON will be removed from decoded output. See remove_empty_json


  • json_in (JsonDataIn): the json to decode
  • encoding (str, optional): the character encoding to use. Defaults to "utf-8"
  • ignore_empty_fields (bool): Whether to ignore empty fields. Defaults to True


  • Any: the decoded output

function parse_xml_filter

parse_xml_filter(element: _Element, *_) → Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

parse_xml_filter Determines if the element should be filtered or not


  • element (XmlElement): the current element


  • Optional[ParsedXml]: An empty dict if the element should be filtered or None

function parse_xml

    xml_in: Union[IO[str], IO[bytes], PathLike, str, bytes],
    parse_opts: ParseXmlOpts = ParseXmlOpts(cdata_key='_', encoding='utf-8'),
    parse_filter: Callable[[_Element, Optional[_Element], ParseXmlOpts], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] = <function parse_xml_filter at 0x7f5bc0126710>,
    after_parse_xml: Callable[[Dict[str, Any], _ElementTree, ParseXmlOpts], Dict[str, Any]] = <function <lambda> at 0x7f5bc01267a0>
) → Dict[str, Any]

parse_xml Parses the xml imput string or text/binary IO to a dict


  • xml_in (DataIn): the xml input. May be path like, any string, or file like
  • parse_opts (ParseXmlOpts, optional): the parser options. See ParseXmlOpts for defaults
  • parse_filter (ParseXmlFilter, optional): the parse filter to use while parsing the provided xml. Filters should return ParsedXml, an empty dict or None. None indicates the current element is not filtered and parsing should continue down the elements tree. See parse_xml_filter for additional information
  • after_parse_xml (AfterParseXml, optional): the post processing logic to apply to the parsed dict after all processing has completed. Noop by default


  • ParsedXml: the parsed xml dict

class ParseXmlOpts

ParseXmlOpts(cdata_key: str = '_', encoding: str = 'utf-8')

method __init__

__init__(cdata_key: str = '_', encoding: str = 'utf-8') → None

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