module loaders

function make_template_system_loader

    loader: 'BaseLoader',
    auto_reload: 'bool' = True,
    namespace_key: 'str' = '',
    cache_size: 'int' = 300,
    additional_loaders: 'Optional[Sequence[BaseLoader]]' = None
) → BaseLoader

make_template_system_loader A TemplateSystemLoader factory


  • loader (BaseLoader): The loader to use when loading the rendering temples
  • auto_reload (bool, optional): If True, loaders that have an uptodate callable will reload template source data automatically. Defaults to False
  • namespace_key (str, optional): The name of a global render context variable or loader keyword argument that resolves to the current loader "namespace" or "scope". Defaults to ""
  • cache_size (int, optional): The capacity of the template cache in number of templates. cache_size less than 1 disables caching. Defaults to 300
  • additional_loaders (Optional[Sequence[BaseLoader]], optional): The additional loaders to use when a template is not found by the loader. Defaults to None


  • BaseLoader: CachingTemplateSystemLoader if cache_size > 0 else TemplateSystemLoader

function read_text

read_text(env: 'Environment', filename: 'str') → str

read_text Reads the text from the given filename using the Environment's loader to retrieve the file's contents


  • env (Environment): the rendering environment
  • filename (str): the name of the file


  • str: the contents of the file if the file could be found


  • FileNotFoundError: when the file could not be found

class TemplateSystemLoader

TemplateSystemLoader allows templates to be loaded from a primary and optionally secondary location(s). This allows templates to include / render templates from the other location(s)

Template Names Resolution: Any template (non json file) that is in a subdirectory will have _ prepended to the name Ex: Section/Immunization -> Section/_Immunization

See ChoiceLoader for more information

method get_source

get_source(env: 'Environment', template_name: 'str') → TemplateSource

method get_source_async

get_source_async(env: 'Environment', template_name: 'str') → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_args

    env: 'Environment',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'object'
) → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_args_async

    env: 'Environment',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'object'
) → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_context

    context: 'Context',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'str'
) → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_context_async

    context: 'Context',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'str'
) → TemplateSource

class CachingTemplateSystemLoader

TemplateSystemLoader that caches parsed templates in memory.

See TemplateSystemLoader for more information

method __init__

    loaders: 'List[BaseLoader]',
    auto_reload: 'bool' = True,
    namespace_key: 'str' = '',
    cache_size: 'int' = 300
) → None

method get_source

get_source(env: 'Environment', template_name: 'str') → TemplateSource

method get_source_async

get_source_async(env: 'Environment', template_name: 'str') → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_args

    env: 'Environment',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'object'
) → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_args_async

    env: 'Environment',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'object'
) → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_context

    context: 'Context',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'str'
) → TemplateSource

method get_source_with_context_async

    context: 'Context',
    template_name: 'str',
    **kwargs: 'str'
) → TemplateSource

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